Monday, August 10, 2009

Beautiful Baby

Thank god for moms (Grandma's)!!!! If you haven't heard Cecil, Cora and I were in a pretty bad car accident. we were going about 40-45 mph in Cecil's truck and a lady turned left on a red light and we hit her. her head hit the windshield and her car was so smashed that she couldn't get out. Cecil saw that we were going to hit and yelled so i threw my self over Cora's car seat. Cecil was fine. Cora is very sore but doing ok and i am having a lot of trouble with my back and chest. my feet keep going numb on me and i am having a hard time holding Cora. Cecil stayed home for 2 nights but had to go back to work so my awesome mom came down and helped me out. i am so blessed to have a mom that will drop everything and come help me when ever i need it. i thank the lord every day for my family. I don't know if Cecil's truck is totaled or not but we are praying that it wont be. i will keep you posted on how things are going. Cora has a DR apt tomorrow to be rechecked. Love you all.

two days after the car accident we had to go to Cecil's uncles funeral. Talk a bout a crappy week.

This was taken yesterday (one week since the accident) she seems to be doing ok.

she is just so beautiful. I love you all


Crystal said...

She is beautiful!!!! I hope you get better soon and that everything is ok.

Marilyn said...

Cora looks as if she is doing fine. So does her dad! Grandma and Rufus seem to be the picture of health, too, so why isn't there one of you? I didn't know about the accident until a couple of days ago. It was nice to get on today and see things are ok. Be sure to let us know how the dr. appt. turns out.
Love ya.

Aunt Marilyn